Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

List Of Persons Who Died From Pneumonia

List Of Persons Who Died From Pneumonia

Listed below are the persons who died from Pneumonia:
(This list is a work-in-progress.)

SurnameGiven NameSuf-
Adopted Name or
Alternate Name or
Alternate For Given Name or
Descriptive Name
Death DateRoots-
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Annie Belle Estes 7 Dec. 1932 953
Bergin Mary Jane 30 May 1935 315
Browne John Thomas 19 Aug. 1941 314
Carpenter Mary Elizabeth 16 Apr. 1924 90
Caspersen Niels Lorenzen 6 Jul. 1938 12
De Voll Calvin SolonJr.Calvin Joseph De Voll 14 Jul. 1970 459
Drager Alice Ann 25 Mar. 2006 153
Ezell Celestine M. 20 Apr. 1928 399
Ferguson Della Mae 13 Dec. 1993 796
Gager Raymond Frank 7 Sep. 1945 615
Glass Alta Marie 4 Nov. 1929 358
Glenn Virginia Rose 19 Apr. 1957 908
Lively Virginia 8 Feb. 1924 6
Masters Fannie Ellen 5 May 1916 521
Moseley William Matthew 30 Nov. 1918 770
O'Hara Cecilia Isabell 16 Nov. 1918 104
O'Hara James Thomas 12 Apr. 1939 43
Ritter Carl John 19 Dec. 1960 411
Rodgers Russell 30 Aug. 1902 861
Shave Christine Lynn 24 Nov. 2011 933
Wolfe Kathleen 3 Jul. 1981 410
Ziegelbauer Rose M. 28 Mar. 1958 68
Zilker Ada 12 Sep. 1975 250
Zilker Anna D. 29 Jun. 1943 13