Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

Person Page 10

Helen C. Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: est. 1842)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 226


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherSerepta [UnknownS] (Born: est. 1816)


Est. 18420-, -, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Aunt of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Daughter of Dexter Beaman
Daughter of Serepta [UnknownS]
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited22 Mar. 2020

Julia L. Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: 1845)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 227


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherSerepta [UnknownS] (Born: est. 1816)

Children with spouse John B. Masters (Born: Oct. 1836):

SonWilliam Elmer Masters+ (Born: 31 Oct. 1863, Died: 25 Jan. 1938)
DaughterAlta M. Masters+ (Born: 7 Jan. 1868, Died: 24 Aug. 1948)
DaughterEtha Estella Masters+ (Born: 12 Jun. 1870, Died: 8 May 1940)
DaughterElda L. Masters+ (Born: est. 1873, Died: 18 Oct. 1899)
DaughterAlberta B. Masters (Born: est. 1877)
SonClyde Masters (Born: est. 1878)


1845~0-, -, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
19 May 1863~18Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To John B. Masters, age 26.
31 Oct. 1863~18-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son William Elmer Masters.
7 Jan. 1868~23Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Alta M. Masters.
12 Jun. 1870~25-, Black Hawk, Iowa, U.S.A.
(Spring Creek Twp.)
BIRTH: Of daughter Etha Estella Masters.
Est. 1873~28-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Elda L. Masters.
Est. 1877~32-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Alberta B. Masters.
Est. 1878~33-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Clyde Masters.
Bef. 19 Jun. 1895Bef 50 DIVORCE: From John B. Masters.
19 Jun. 1895~50+, Itasca, Minnesota, U.S.A.1895 STATE CENSUS:
LAST KNOWN RESIDENCE: With Son Clyde Masters.
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Aunt of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Daughter of Dexter Beaman
Daughter of Serepta [UnknownS]
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited8 Jul. 2022

Charles F. Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: 2 Apr. 1849, Died: 1921)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 228


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherSerepta [UnknownS] (Born: est. 1816)

Family 1:
Children with spouse Josephine G. Bull (Born: 25 Feb. 1852, Died: 28 Jul. 1887):

SonFrederick Leon ("Fred") Beaman+ (Born: 17 Jun. 1872, Died: 4 Apr. 1914)
SonDr. Carroll John Beaman (Born: 20 Feb. 1877, Died: 28 Jun. 1931)
Son[UnnamedG] Beaman (Born: 27 Feb. 1883, Died: 10 Apr. 1883)

Family 2:
Children with spouse Laura Higgins Keeler (Born: Mar. 1869, Died: 15 Sep. 1926):

SonFrank E. ("Frankie") Beaman (Born: 8 Sep. 1892, Died: 28 Oct. 1915)
DaughterMaud Laura Beaman+ (Born: 4 Dec. 1895, Died: 2 Aug. 1984)


2 Apr. 18490Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
10 Jan. 187121-, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Josephine G. Bull, age 18.
17 Jun. 187223Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Frederick Leon ("Fred") Beaman.
20 Feb. 187727Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Dr. Carroll John Beaman.
27 Feb. 188333Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son [UnnamedG] Beaman.
10 Apr. 188334DEATH: Of son [UnnamedG] Beaman, age 0.
28 Jul. 188738New York, Kings, New York, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Josephine G. Bull, age 35.
10 Dec. 188738Keyport, Monmouth, New Jersey, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Laura Higgins Keeler, age 18: (1st marriage).
8 Feb. 188838New Rochelle, Westchester, New York, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Laura Higgins Keeler, age 18: (remarriage).
8 Sep. 189243Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Frank E. ("Frankie") Beaman.
4 Dec. 189546Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Maud Laura Beaman.
New York, Kings, New York, U.S.A.LAST RESIDENCE.
1921~72Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, U.S.A.DEATH: During a business trip.
12 Jul. 1921New York, Kings, New York, U.S.A.BURIAL: Evergreens Cemetery.
Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.CENOTAPH: Riverview Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Niels George Beaman
Uncle of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Son of Dexter Beaman
Son of Serepta [UnknownS]
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited15 Feb. 2025

Valentinus ("John") Herrle

Male, Deceased, (Born: Aug. 1823, Died: 15 Jul. 1899)
  • Alternate Name: Valentine Herrle
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 229

Child with spouse Maria Eva Schenk (Born: 28 Dec. 1828, Died: 29 Jun. 1913):

DaughterMaria Anna Herrle+ (Born: est. Oct. 1851, Died: 28 Dec. 1897)


Aug. 1823~0-, -, -, GermanyBIRTH.
21 Aug. 1823~0-, -, -, GermanyBAPTISM.
14 Jan. 185127-, -, -, GermanyMARRIAGE: To Maria Eva Schenk, age 22.
Est. Oct. 1851~28-, -, Bavaria, GermanyBIRTH: Of daughter Maria Anna Herrle.
26 Oct. 185229New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.IMMIGRATION: With spouse Maria Eva Schenk & daughter Maria Anna Herrle.
15 Jul. 189975Borden, Clark, Indiana, U.S.A.DEATH.
17 Jul. 1899Sellersburg, Clark, Indiana, U.S.A.BURIAL: St. Joseph Hill Cemetery.
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Deceased Persons With An Alternate Name
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Last Edited3 Jan. 2022

Maria Eva Schenk

Female, Deceased, (Born: 28 Dec. 1828, Died: 29 Jun. 1913)
  • Alternate Name: Mary Eve Schenk
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 230

Child with spouse Valentinus ("John") Herrle (Born: Aug. 1823, Died: 15 Jul. 1899):

DaughterMaria Anna Herrle+ (Born: est. Oct. 1851, Died: 28 Dec. 1897)


28 Dec. 18280-, -, -, GermanyBIRTH.
30 Dec. 18280-, -, -, GermanyBAPTISM.
14 Jan. 185122-, -, -, GermanyMARRIAGE: To Valentinus ("John") Herrle, age 27.
Est. Oct. 1851~22-, -, Bavaria, GermanyBIRTH: Of daughter Maria Anna Herrle.
26 Oct. 185223New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.IMMIGRATION: With spouse Valentinus ("John") Herrle & daughter Maria Anna Herrle.
15 Jul. 189970Borden, Clark, Indiana, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Valentinus ("John") Herrle, age 75.
29 Jun. 191384Borden, Clark, Indiana, U.S.A.DEATH.
1 Jul. 1913Sellersburg, Clark, Indiana, U.S.A.BURIAL: St. Joseph Hill Cemetery.
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Deceased Persons With An Alternate Name
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited12 Nov. 2023

Emily A. Briggs

Female, Deceased, (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 231


FatherJoseph Briggs (Born: est. 1806)
MotherLouisa Case (Born: 31 Aug. 1810)

Children with spouse Dexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899):

SonHenry A. Beaman (Born: 8 Sep. 1858, Died: 2 Oct. 1912)
SonTheodore H. ("Theo") Beaman (Born: Dec. 1862, Died: 8 Nov. 1918)
SonOrville Spencer Beaman+ (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923)
DaughterMinnie Louise Beaman+ (Born: 4 Jul. 1868, Died: 3 Nov. 1942)


Oct. 1833~0-, -, Massachusetts, U.S.A.BIRTH.
16 Dec. 185724-, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Dexter Beaman, age 47: Two sisters married to another family's father & son.
8 Sep. 185824-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Henry A. Beaman.
Dec. 186229-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Theodore H. ("Theo") Beaman.
24 Mar. 186632Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Orville Spencer Beaman.
4 Jul. 186834Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Minnie Louise Beaman.
29 Jul. 189965Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Dexter Beaman, age 88.
3 Dec. 190774Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
5 Dec. 1907Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Montrose Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Aunt of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Persons Who Were Sisters & Married Into The Same Family (Listed By The Wife)
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited25 May 2023

Henry A. Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: 8 Sep. 1858, Died: 2 Oct. 1912)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 232


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherEmily A. Briggs (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)

Spouse of Ellen Ella Drinkwein (Born: Apr. 1867, Died: 1910).


8 Sep. 18580-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH.
MARRIAGE: To Ellen Ella Drinkwein.
8 Feb. 190445Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of adopted son Charles John Bergler, age 9: Diphtheria.
1910~52DEATH: Of spouse Ellen Ella Drinkwein, age ~43.
2 Oct. 191254Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
5 Oct. 1912Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Montrose Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Niels George Beaman
Uncle of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Son of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited17 Jun. 2019

Theodore H. ("Theo") Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: Dec. 1862, Died: 8 Nov. 1918)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 233


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherEmily A. Briggs (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)


Dec. 1862~0-, -, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH.
MEDICAL: Hearing loss at a young age.
8 Nov. 191855Oak Forest, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Tuberculosis.
11 Nov. 1918Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Mount Olive Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Niels George Beaman
Uncle of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Son of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Persons Who Died From Tuberculosis
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited22 Jun. 2019

Orville Spencer Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 234


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherEmily A. Briggs (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)

Family 1:
Children with spouse Gertrude Amanda Pelley (Born: 1870, Died: 12 Oct. 1909):

SonRaymond Otto Beaman+ (Born: 9 Apr. 1891, Died: 3 Apr. 1969)
SonOrville Gordon Beaman+ (Born: 27 Jan. 1901, Died: 17 Jan. 1957)
DaughterHazel Winnifred Beaman+ (Born: 13 Apr. 1903, Died: 10 Aug. 1987)

Family 2:
Spouse of Annie C. Caddick (Born: 3 Nov. 1874).


24 Mar. 18660Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
31 Oct. 188822Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Gertrude Amanda Pelley, age ~18.
9 Apr. 189125Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Raymond Otto Beaman.
27 Jan. 190134Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Orville Gordon Beaman.
13 Apr. 190337Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Hazel Winnifred Beaman.
12 Oct. 190943Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Gertrude Amanda Pelley, age ~39.
30 Aug. 191347Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Annie C. Caddick, age 38.
10 Sep. 192357Sycamore, DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
13 Sep. 1923Sycamore, DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Elmwood Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Niels George Beaman
Uncle of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Son of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited17 Nov. 2018

Minnie Louise Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: 4 Jul. 1868, Died: 3 Nov. 1942)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 235


FatherDexter Beaman (Born: 5 Sep. 1810, Died: 29 Jul. 1899)
MotherEmily A. Briggs (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)

Family 1:
Spouse of Samuel G. Shike (Born: 27 Jul. 1866, Died: 10 Apr. 1935).

Family 2:
Child with spouse Reuben Conrad Gary (Born: 8 Dec. 1868, Died: 26 Apr. 1911):

SonJohn Conrad Gary (Born: 17 Oct. 1902, Died: 19 Oct. 1957)

Family 3:
Spouse of Alvin Elsion Rodgers (Born: 4 Apr. 1870, Died: 16 Jan. 1944).

Family 4:
Spouse of Clare David Beal (Born: 31 Aug. 1879, Died: 13 Jan. 1959).


4 Jul. 18680Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
3 May 188718Oregon, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Samuel G. Shike, age 20.
1895~27MARRIAGE: To Reuben Conrad Gary, age ~27.
17 Oct. 190234Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son John Conrad Gary.
26 Apr. 191142Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Reuben Conrad Gary, age 42.
11 Feb. 192354St. Joseph, Berrien, Michigan, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Alvin Elsion Rodgers, age 52.
19 Aug. 192961-, Pierce, Washington, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Clare David Beal, age 49.
3 Nov. 194274Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, U.S.A.DEATH.
6 Nov. 1942Lakewood, Pierce, Washington, U.S.A.BURIAL: Mountain View Memorial Park Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Aunt of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Daughter of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited5 Jul. 2023

Gertrude Amanda Pelley

Female, Deceased, (Born: 1870, Died: 12 Oct. 1909)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 236

Children with spouse Orville Spencer Beaman (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923):

SonRaymond Otto Beaman+ (Born: 9 Apr. 1891, Died: 3 Apr. 1969)
SonOrville Gordon Beaman+ (Born: 27 Jan. 1901, Died: 17 Jan. 1957)
DaughterHazel Winnifred Beaman+ (Born: 13 Apr. 1903, Died: 10 Aug. 1987)


31 Oct. 1888~18Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Orville Spencer Beaman, age 22.
9 Apr. 1891~21Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Raymond Otto Beaman.
27 Jan. 1901~31Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Orville Gordon Beaman.
13 Apr. 1903~33Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Hazel Winnifred Beaman.
12 Oct. 1909~39Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Montrose Cemetery.
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited17 Nov. 2018

Raymond Otto Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: 9 Apr. 1891, Died: 3 Apr. 1969)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 237


FatherOrville Spencer Beaman (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923)
MotherGertrude Amanda Pelley (Born: 1870, Died: 12 Oct. 1909)

Children with spouse Kathryn Helena Thompson (Born: 20 Mar. 1893, Died: 23 Jul. 1968):

DaughterMabel Gertrude Beaman+ (Born: 4 Jun. 1912, Died: 27 Feb. 2000)
SonWard Rockwell Beaman+ (Born: 6 Jan. 1914, Died: 6 Feb. 1995)


9 Apr. 18910Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
25 Mar. 191119Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Kathryn Helena Thompson, age 18.
4 Jun. 191221Brandon, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Mabel Gertrude Beaman.
6 Jan. 191422Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Ward Rockwell Beaman.
23 Jul. 196877Oelwein, Fayette, Iowa, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Kathryn Helena Thompson, age 75.
3 Apr. 196977Kansas City, -, Missouri, U.S.A.DEATH.
Oelwein, Fayette, Iowa, U.S.A.BURIAL: Woodlawn Cemetery.
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Niels George Beaman
1st cousin of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Grandson of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited23 Jun. 2019

Orville Gordon Beaman

Male, Deceased, (Born: 27 Jan. 1901, Died: 17 Jan. 1957)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 238
  • United States of America Armed Forces Veteran


FatherOrville Spencer Beaman (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923)
MotherGertrude Amanda Pelley (Born: 1870, Died: 12 Oct. 1909)

Children with spouse Lillian M. Versema (Born: 22 Aug. 1900, Died: Jan. 1970):

DaughterEleanor Mae Beaman (Born: 25 May 1921, Died: 24 Jun. 1981)
SonWilliam Edward Beaman+ (Born: 26 Jun. 1923, Died: 26 Oct. 1968)


27 Jan. 19010Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
MARRIAGE: To Lillian M. Versema.
25 May 192120Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Eleanor Mae Beaman.
26 Jun. 192322Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son William Edward Beaman.
Mundelein, Lake, Illinois, U.S.A.LAST RESIDENCE.
17 Jan. 195755DEATH.
21 Jan. 1957Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Acacia Park Cemetery.
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Niels George Beaman
1st cousin of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Grandson of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Deceased Persons Who Were United States Of America Armed Forces Veterans
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited9 May 2021

Hazel Winnifred Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: 13 Apr. 1903, Died: 10 Aug. 1987)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 239


FatherOrville Spencer Beaman (Born: 24 Mar. 1866, Died: 10 Sep. 1923)
MotherGertrude Amanda Pelley (Born: 1870, Died: 12 Oct. 1909)

Children with spouse Harry John Becker (Born: 10 Jun. 1899, Died: 6 Oct. 1969):

DaughterDorothy Estelle ("Dorothea") Becker+ (Born: 30 Apr. 1920, Died: 30 Sep. 1981)
DaughterGeraldine Winnifred ("Jerry") Becker+ (Born: 3 Jul. 1922, Died: 3 Mar. 2008)
SonWilliam Hawkins Becker+ (Born: 14 Jul. 1924, Died: 5 Jun. 2000)


13 Apr. 19030Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH.
9 Aug. 191916Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Harry John Becker, age 20.
30 Apr. 192017Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Dorothy Estelle ("Dorothea") Becker.
3 Jul. 192219Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Geraldine Winnifred ("Jerry") Becker.
14 Jul. 192421Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son William Hawkins Becker.
6 Oct. 196966Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Harry John Becker, age 70.
10 Aug. 198784McHenry, McHenry, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
15 Aug. 1987-, -, -, U.S.A.BURIAL.
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Niels George Beaman
1st cousin of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Granddaughter of Dexter Beaman
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited10 Jul. 2019

Joseph Briggs

Male, Deceased, (Born: est. 1806)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 240

Children with spouse Louisa Case (Born: 31 Aug. 1810):

DaughterEmily A. Briggs+ (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)
DaughterLouisa C. Briggs+ (Born: 1839, Died: 17 Jan. 1924)
DaughterAugusta ("Gussie") Briggs (Born: 29 May 1848, Died: 30 Dec. 1919)


Est. 18060-, -, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH.
26 Dec. 1830~24 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Louisa Case, age 20.
Oct. 1833~27-, -, Massachusetts, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Emily A. Briggs.
1839~33Albany, Albany, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Louisa C. Briggs.
29 May 1848~42Troy, Rensselaer, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Augusta ("Gussie") Briggs.
Relationships2nd great-grandfather of Niels George Beaman
Grandfather of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Links To ChartsJoseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Niels George Beaman Ancestor Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited7 Jul. 2022

Louisa Case

Female, Deceased, (Born: 31 Aug. 1810)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 241

Children with spouse Joseph Briggs (Born: est. 1806):

DaughterEmily A. Briggs+ (Born: Oct. 1833, Died: 3 Dec. 1907)
DaughterLouisa C. Briggs+ (Born: 1839, Died: 17 Jan. 1924)
DaughterAugusta ("Gussie") Briggs (Born: 29 May 1848, Died: 30 Dec. 1919)


31 Aug. 18100BIRTH.
26 Dec. 183020 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Joseph Briggs, age ~24.
Oct. 183323-, -, Massachusetts, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Emily A. Briggs.
1839~29Albany, Albany, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Louisa C. Briggs.
29 May 184837Troy, Rensselaer, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Augusta ("Gussie") Briggs.
Relationships2nd great-grandmother of Niels George Beaman
Grandmother of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Links To ChartsJoseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Niels George Beaman Ancestor Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited18 Apr. 2021

Augusta ("Gussie") Briggs

Female, Deceased, (Born: 29 May 1848, Died: 30 Dec. 1919)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 242


FatherJoseph Briggs (Born: est. 1806)
MotherLouisa Case (Born: 31 Aug. 1810)

Spouse of Ferdinand W. Fox (Born: est. 1845, Died: 22 Jan. 1898).


29 May 18480Troy, Rensselaer, New York, U.S.A.BIRTH.
14 Oct. 186921 -, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Ferdinand W. Fox, age ~24.
22 Jan. 189849Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Ferdinand W. Fox, age ~53.
30 Dec. 191971Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
2 Jan. 1920River Grove, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Elmwood Cemetery.
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Aunt of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Links To ChartsJoseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited7 Jul. 2022

Azelia H. ("Leta") Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: 6 Jul. 1860, Died: 7 May 1938)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 243


FatherGeorge Washington Beaman, {Sr.} (Born: est. 1837, Died: 15 Apr. 1867)
MotherLouisa C. Briggs (Born: 1839, Died: 17 Jan. 1924)

Children with spouse Dr. Charles Henry Culdice (Born: 5 Nov. 1861, Died: 27 Jan. 1953):

Daughter[UnknownG] Culdice (Born: est. 1888, Died: 9 Jan. 1889)
DaughterMerle Eileen Culdice+ (Born: 14 Dec. 1889, Died: 9 Sep. 1978)
SonGeorge Washington Culdice+ (Born: 22 Feb. 1893, Died: 23 Aug. 1930)


6 Jul. 18600Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH.
15 Apr. 18676DEATH: Of father George Washington Beaman, {Sr.}, age ~30.
Bef. 13 Aug. 1870Bef 10Cedar Falls, Black Hawk, Iowa, U.S.A.1870 CENSUS:
RESIDENCE: In an orphans home.
27 Oct. 187010-, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: Of mother Louisa C. Briggs to William Householder.
27 Apr. 188625-, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Dr. Charles Henry Culdice, age 24.
Est. 1888~28BIRTH: Of daughter [UnknownG] Culdice.
9 Jan. 188928DEATH: Of daughter [UnknownG] Culdice, age ~1.
14 Dec. 188929DeWitt, Saline, Nebraska, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Merle Eileen Culdice.
22 Feb. 189332DeWitt, Saline, Nebraska, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son George Washington Culdice.
7 May 193877Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, U.S.A.DEATH.
10 May 1938Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, U.S.A.BURIAL: South Park Cemetery.
RelationshipsGrandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Sister of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Granddaughter of Dexter Beaman
Granddaughter of Serepta [UnknownS]
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Dr. Charles Henry Culdice Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
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Last Edited12 May 2023

Dr. Charles Henry Culdice

Male, Deceased, (Born: 5 Nov. 1861, Died: 27 Jan. 1953)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 244

Family 1:
Children with spouse Azelia H. ("Leta") Beaman (Born: 6 Jul. 1860, Died: 7 May 1938):

Daughter[UnknownG] Culdice (Born: est. 1888, Died: 9 Jan. 1889)
DaughterMerle Eileen Culdice+ (Born: 14 Dec. 1889, Died: 9 Sep. 1978)
SonGeorge Washington Culdice+ (Born: 22 Feb. 1893, Died: 23 Aug. 1930)

Family 2:
Spouse of Minnie V. Hadsell (Born: Jun. 1866, Died: 23 Jan. 1957).


5 Nov. 18610Olin, Jones, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH.
27 Apr. 188624-, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Azelia H. ("Leta") Beaman, age 25.
Est. 1888~27BIRTH: Of daughter [UnknownG] Culdice.
9 Jan. 188927DEATH: Of daughter [UnknownG] Culdice, age ~1.
14 Dec. 188928DeWitt, Saline, Nebraska, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Merle Eileen Culdice.
22 Feb. 189331DeWitt, Saline, Nebraska, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son George Washington Culdice.
7 May 193876Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Azelia H. ("Leta") Beaman, age 77.
4 Oct. 193977Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Minnie V. Hadsell, age 73.
27 Jan. 195391Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, U.S.A.DEATH.
29 Jan. 1953Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, U.S.A.BURIAL: South Park Cemetery.
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Dr. Charles Henry Culdice Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
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Last Edited11 May 2023

Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman

Female, Deceased, (Born: Dec. 1861, Died: 14 Jul. 1940)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 245


FatherGeorge Washington Beaman, {Sr.} (Born: est. 1837, Died: 15 Apr. 1867)
MotherLouisa C. Briggs (Born: 1839, Died: 17 Jan. 1924)

Family 1:
Child with spouse Edward T. Ritchie (Born: 22 May 1838, Died: 29 Aug. 1925):

DaughterEthel Maude Ritchie+ (Born: Nov. 1886, Died: 26 Apr. 1945)

Family 2:
Spouse of Thomas James Donnelly (Born: 17 Feb. 1860, Died: 3 Sep. 1915).


Dec. 1861~0Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.BIRTH.
15 Apr. 18675DEATH: Of father George Washington Beaman, {Sr.}, age ~30.
Bef. 13 Aug. 1870Bef 8Cedar Falls, Black Hawk, Iowa, U.S.A.1870 CENSUS:
RESIDENCE: In an orphans home.
27 Oct. 18708-, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: Of mother Louisa C. Briggs to William Householder.
17 Feb. 188624Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Edward T. Ritchie, age 47.
Nov. 188624Sycamore, DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Ethel Maude Ritchie.
Bef. 13 Jun. 1900Bef 38 DIVORCE: From Edward T. Ritchie.
7 Jun. 191149Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Thomas James Donnelly, age 51.
3 Sep. 191553Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse Thomas James Donnelly, age 55: Uremic poisoning.
13 Apr. 194078Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.1940 CENSUS:
RESIDENCE: In the home of daughter Ethel Maude Ritchie & son-in-law James William Monahan.
14 Jul. 194078Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH.
17 Jul. 1940Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Mount Hope Cemetery.
RelationshipsGrandaunt of Niels George Beaman
Sister of George Washington Beaman, Jr.,
Granddaughter of Dexter Beaman
Granddaughter of Serepta [UnknownS]
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Beaman Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited28 Jul. 2022

Edward T. Ritchie

Male, Deceased, (Born: 22 May 1838, Died: 29 Aug. 1925)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 246
  • United States of America Armed Forces Veteran

Child with spouse Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman (Born: Dec. 1861, Died: 14 Jul. 1940):

DaughterEthel Maude Ritchie+ (Born: Nov. 1886, Died: 26 Apr. 1945)


22 May 18380Easton, Northampton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.BIRTH.
17 Feb. 188647Independence, Buchanan, Iowa, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman, age 24.
Nov. 188648Sycamore, DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of daughter Ethel Maude Ritchie.
Bef. 13 Jun. 1900Bef 62 DIVORCE: From Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman.
18 Aug. 192587East Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, U.S.A.MEDICAL: Admitted to Watertown State Hospital.
29 Aug. 192587East Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Watertown State Hospital.
31 Aug. 1925Byron, Ogle, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Byron Cemetery.
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
Links To ListsDeceased Persons
Deceased Persons Who Were United States Of America Armed Forces Veterans
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Last Edited17 Feb. 2024

Thomas James Donnelly

Male, Deceased, (Born: 17 Feb. 1860, Died: 3 Sep. 1915)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 247

Spouse of Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman (Born: Dec. 1861, Died: 14 Jul. 1940).


17 Feb. 18600-, -, Connecticut, U.S.A.BIRTH.
7 Jun. 191151Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Adeline Emily ("Addie") Beaman, age 49.
3 Sep. 191555Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.DEATH: Uremic poisoning.
5 Sep. 1915Chicago, Cook, Illinois, U.S.A.BURIAL: Mount Olivet Cemetery.
Links To ChartsDexter Beaman Descendant Chart
Joseph Briggs Descendant Chart
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Last Edited17 Jul. 2022

Ann Zilker

Female, Deceased, (Born: 10 Apr. 1897, Died: 12 Jan. 1989)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 248


FatherAndrew Jackson Zilker, {Sr.} (Born: 1 Sep. 1858, Died: 20 Jun. 1934)
MotherIda Pecht (Born: 18 Mar. 1863, Died: 3 Apr. 1916)

Children with spouse Robert Treat Paine Thompson, {Sr.}, (Born: 22 Jun. 1897, Died: 14 Aug. 1974):

SonAndrew Zilker Thompson (Born: 1 Sep. 1920, Died: 20 Aug. 2014)
SonRobert Treat Paine Thompson, Jr. (Born: 17 Sep. 1923, Died: 18 Jan. 1995)


10 Apr. 18970Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH.
17 Aug. 191821Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Robert Treat Paine Thompson, {Sr.}, age 21.
1 Sep. 192023Taylor, Williamson, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Andrew Zilker Thompson.
17 Sep. 192326Taylor, Williamson, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Robert Treat Paine Thompson, Jr..
May 196265Houston, Harris, Texas, U.S.A.DIVORCE: From Robert Treat Paine Thompson, {Sr.}, age 64.
San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, U.S.A.LAST RESIDENCE.
12 Jan. 198991-, Bexar, Texas, U.S.A.DEATH.
13 Jan. 1989Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.BURIAL: Oakwood Cemetery.
Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Niels George Beaman
Niece of Anna D. Zilker
Links To ChartsAnthony Zilker Descendant Chart
Links To ListsAll Persons With The Zilker Surname
Deceased Persons
Sorted By Last Edited Date
Last Edited16 Oct. 2021

Robert Treat Paine Thompson, {Sr.}

Male, Deceased, (Born: 22 Jun. 1897, Died: 14 Aug. 1974)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 249

Children with spouse Ann Zilker (Born: 10 Apr. 1897, Died: 12 Jan. 1989):

SonAndrew Zilker Thompson (Born: 1 Sep. 1920, Died: 20 Aug. 2014)
SonRobert Treat Paine Thompson, Jr. (Born: 17 Sep. 1923, Died: 18 Jan. 1995)


22 Jun. 18970Dallas, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH.
17 Aug. 191821Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To Ann Zilker, age 21.
1 Sep. 192023Taylor, Williamson, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Andrew Zilker Thompson.
17 Sep. 192326Taylor, Williamson, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH: Of son Robert Treat Paine Thompson, Jr..
May 196264Houston, Harris, Texas, U.S.A.DIVORCE: From Ann Zilker, age 65.
14 Aug. 197477Houston, Harris, Texas, U.S.A.DEATH: Stroke.
16 Aug. 1974Houston, Harris, Texas, U.S.A.BURIAL: Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery.
Links To ChartsAnthony Zilker Descendant Chart
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Last Edited3 Oct. 2023

Ada Zilker

Female, Deceased, (Born: 17 Mar. 1889, Died: 12 Sep. 1975)
  • RootsMagic Rec. #: 250


FatherAndrew Jackson Zilker, {Sr.} (Born: 1 Sep. 1858, Died: 20 Jun. 1934)
MotherIda Pecht (Born: 18 Mar. 1863, Died: 3 Apr. 1916)

Spouse of John Ferrell Robinson (Born: 30 Jul. 1884, Died: 27 Feb. 1974).


17 Mar. 18890Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.BIRTH.
31 Dec. 192435Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.MARRIAGE: To John Ferrell Robinson, age 40.
27 Feb. 197484Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.DEATH: Of spouse John Ferrell Robinson, age 89.
12 Sep. 197586Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.DEATH: Pneumonia.
14 Sep. 1975Austin, Travis, Texas, U.S.A.BURIAL: Oakwood Cemetery.
Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Niels George Beaman
Niece of Anna D. Zilker
Links To ChartsAnthony Zilker Descendant Chart
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Deceased Persons
Persons Who Died From Pneumonia
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Last Edited19 Sep. 2023