Introduction To The Details About This Genealogy Tree
This Details page provides information about:
Person Name Substitutions
Person Color Codes
Text Color Codes
Icons & Symbols
Location Descriptions
Contact Email
Person Name Substitutions
Living substitutes for the name of living persons for privacy reasons: List.
Their biographical details are excluded from the tree.
[UnknownS] substitutes for any deceased person's unknown surname: List.
For reference purposes he\she also has a Descriptive Name that ties him\her to another person.
[UnknownG] substitutes for any deceased person's unknown given name: List.
For reference purposes he\she also has a Descriptive Name that ties him\her to another person.
[UnnamedG] substitutes for the given name of any person without a given name: List.
He\She also has an Alternate For Given Name obtained from the death certificate, gravestone, etc.
Person Color Codes
The persons in the grandparental & step-grandparental lines of Niels George Beaman & Gloria Lively with these surnames along with the persons with an unknown surname are color coded in the charts & lists with these colors (click on surname\unknown surname to open a list):
Text Color Codes
Text displayed in this color are links to other pages in this website.
Highlighted text are displayed in this color, but the text are not links to other pages in this website.
Icons & Symbols
There is a icon at the top of each person's biographical page.
Click once on the icon to open a window containing a 3 generation ancestor chart & listings of siblings, spouses, & children in the tree.
Click once on any person displayed in the window to open his\her biographical page or click once again on the icon to close the window.
A icon on a person's biographical page indicates he\she was a veteran of the United States of America Armed Forces.
Clicking on the icon will open this list.
If there is a icon for an event on a person's biographical page, clicking on the icon will open an exhibit for that event.
A + symbol to the right of a child listed in the Family section of a person's biographical page indicates the child has children in the tree.
Color coded tree icons are listed in the table below.
They are displayed on the biographical pages of persons who are in the grandparental & step-grandparental lines of Niels George Beaman & Gloria Lively.
The display of any of these tree icons to the right of a person's name on the biographical pages indicates the person was a descendant of the corresponding ancestor.
Hovering the mouse cursor over the tree icon will open a small tooltip box with the ancestor's name:
Descendant of Dexter Beaman, the earliest generation Beaman person in the tree. | |
Descendant of [UnknownG] Campbell, the earliest generation Campbell person in the tree. | |
Descendant of Casper Christensen, the earliest generation Caspersen person in the tree. | |
Descendant of John Ferguson, the earliest generation Ferguson person in the tree. | |
Descendant of Nicholas Fussell, {Sr.}, the earliest generation Fussell person in the tree. | |
Descendant of Johann Michael Glass, the earliest generation Glass person in the tree. | |
Descendant of Thomas Lively, the earliest generation Lively person in the tree. | |
Descendant of John H. O'Hara, the earliest generation O'Hara person in the tree. | |
Descendant of Anthony Zilker, the earliest generation Zilker person in the tree. |
Location Descriptions In The United States of America
Each location is described by using a standardized series of 4 jurisdiction levels.
The 4 jurisdiction levels are listed in order from the smallest jurisdiction level to the largest jurisdiction level:
city (or town), county (or parish), state (or territory), country.
Each jurisdiction level is separated by a comma.
A - symbol substitutes for a missing or unknown jurisdiction level for a location.
A + symbol indicates no jurisdiction at a level for a location.
U.S.A. is the abbreviation for United States of America.
Some location descriptions also have a set of parentheses "( )" below the 4 jurisdiction levels.
These parentheses enclose additional location information such as a township name.
Twp. is the abbreviation for Township.
Location Descriptions Outside The United States of America
There are a few locations outside the United States of America.
Each location is also described by using a series of jurisdiction levels listed in order from the smallest jurisdiction level to the largest jurisdiction level.
Each location series though is not yet standardized for the number of jurisdiction levels & types of jurisdiction levels.
These location descriptions are a work-in-progress.
All of the information about the persons in this genealogy tree are confirmed with documents in hand except for the few pieces of information that are enclosed with curly brackets "{ }".
The only information where this clarification occurs are the cases where:
a father & son share the same name & there are no documents showing the father used "Sr." as a name suffix &\or the son used "Jr." as a name suffix.
In these cases, to distinguish between the father & son in the database, the "{Sr.}" name suffix has been added to the father's name & the "{Jr.}" name suffix has been added to the son's name.
Contact Email
Please use the website email address below for questions, additions, corrections, or document requests.