Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

All Persons With An Unknown Given Name

All Persons With An Unknown Given Name

Listed below are the living & deceased persons with an unknown Given Name:

SurnameGiven NameSuf-
Adopted Name or
Descriptive Name
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Wife of Thomas Fussell 272
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]1st Wife of Dexter Beaman 686
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Wife of [UnknownG] Campbell 695
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Mother of Hersheline Ferguson 886
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Father of Kathleen Wolfe 912
[UnknownS] [UnknownG]Annie Belle Estes 953
Beaman [UnknownG]Oldest Daughter of Dexter Beaman 224
Campbell [UnknownG]Father of Benjamin F. Campbell 694
Culdice [UnknownG]Infant of Charles Henry Culdice 864
King [UnknownG]Husband of Mary O'Hara 294
McCarty [UnknownG]Husband of Kate O'Hara 293
O'Hara [UnknownG]Infant of Peter Henry O'Hara 807
O'Hara [UnknownG]2nd Son of Michael Anthony O'Hara Sr. 307
Walker [UnknownG]2nd Husband of Rita Laverne Caspersen 685
Walls [UnknownG]1st Unknown Child of James William Walls (Sr.) 787
Walls [UnknownG]2nd Unknown Child of James William Walls (Sr.) 788