Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

List Of Persons With The O'Hara Surname

List Of Persons With The O'Hara Surname

Listed below are the living & deceased persons in Gloria Lively's O'Hara step-grandparental line with the O'Hara surname:

SurnameGiven NameSuf-
Adopted Name or
Alternate Name or
Alternate For Given Name or
Descriptive Name
O'Hara [UnknownG]Infant of Peter Henry O'Hara 807
O'Hara [UnknownG]2nd Son of Michael Anthony O'Hara Sr. 307
O'Hara Alice E. 107
O'Hara Alice E. 373
O'Hara Anna 105
O'Hara Anna Marie 364
O'Hara Annette Marguerite 367
O'Hara Bernice Rose 98
O'Hara Catherine Cecilia 287
O'Hara Cecilia Isabell 104
O'Hara Deborah Anne 290
O'Hara Dorothy Gladys 195
O'Hara Dorothy Saville 92
O'Hara George Henry 363
O'Hara Hazel B.Sister Mary Gerarda 97
O'Hara James 207
O'Hara James Anthony 369
O'Hara James Thomas 43
O'Hara John A. 377
O'Hara John H. 99
O'Hara John LawrenceJohn Lawrence Fleck 205
O'Hara John Thomas 103
O'Hara Julia Nell 375
O'Hara Kate 108
O'Hara Kenneth Smith 93
O'Hara Margaret 298
O'Hara Mary 109
O'Hara Mary Margaret 381
O'Hara Mary Teresa 286
O'Hara Michael AnthonySr. 101
O'Hara Michael AnthonyJr. 288
O'Hara Michael AnthonyIII 291
O'Hara Peter Henry 102
O'Hara Robert Paul 948
O'Hara Rose Alma 379
O'Hara Savina Ruth 106