Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

List Of Persons Who Were Siblings & Married Into The Same Family (Listed By The Husband)

List Of Persons Who Were Siblings & Married Into The Same Family (Listed By The Husband)

Listed below are the persons who were siblings & married into the same family (listed by the husband):
(This list is a work-in-progress.)

SurnameGiven NameSuf-
Adopted Name or
Alternate Name or
Alternate For Given Name or
Descriptive Name
Beaman Dexter 222 Emily A. BriggsTwo sisters married to another family's father & son
Beaman George Washington{Sr.} 219 Louisa C. BriggsTwo sisters married to another family's father & son
Hickerson Martin 133 Jimmie F. FussellTwo sisters married to another family's two brothers
Hickerson William Jefferson 135 Mattie Bell FussellTwo sisters married to another family's two brothers
Lively Thomas 120 Jane DotsonTwo sisters married to another family's father & son
Lively William Wesley 117 Sarah Catherine DotsonTwo sisters married to another family's father & son
Welte Joseph Charles 210 Sophia Pauline NasonTwo sisters married to another family's two brothers
Welte Lawrence Edward 213 Grace E. NasonTwo sisters married to another family's two brothers