Beaman Branch 1 Genealogy Tree

Includes Beaman, Campbell, Caspersen, Ferguson, Fussell, Glass, Lively, O'Hara, & Zilker Persons

List Of Persons Who Were Confederate States Of America Military Forces Service Members

List Of Persons Who Were Confederate States Of America Military Forces Service Members

Listed below are the persons who provided service against the United States of America in the Confederate States of America Military Forces:
(This list is a work-in-progress.)

SurnameGiven NameSuf-
Adopted Name or
Alternate Name or
Alternate For Given Name or
Descriptive Name
Wounded During ServiceDied During ServiceRoots-
Browne John Thomas 314
Campbell Allen Wesley 696
Campbell Benjamin F. 361
Campbell John C. 684
Campbell William Henry 880
Ferguson David 94
Ferguson William Lafayette 731
Fussell James A.Civil War: Battle of Chickamauga: Severely wounded 917
Fussell John Franklin 185
Little Jason Bryant{Sr.} 197
Lively William Wesley 117