Lively Link Genealogy Tree

Early Descendants of John Lyfolly & Mary Smith



Person Name Substitutions

[UnknownS] substitutes for any person's unknown surname: List.
For reference purposes he\she also has a Descriptive Name that ties him\her to another person.

Person Color Codes

The persons with the Lively surname along with the persons with an unknown surname are color coded in the charts & lists with these colors (click on Lively\unknown surname to open a list):

Text Color Codes

Text displayed in this color are links to other pages in this website.
Highlighted text are displayed in this color, but the text are not links to other pages in this website.

Icons & Symbols
There is a  icon at the top of each person's biographical page.
Click once on the icon to open a window containing a 3 generation ancestor chart & listings of siblings, spouses, & children in the tree.
Click once on any person displayed in the window to open his\her biographical page or click once again on the icon to close the window.

If there is a icon for an event in a person's biographical page, clicking on the icon will open an exhibit for that event.

A + symbol to the right of a child listed in the Family section of a person's biographical page indicates the child has children in the tree.

Contact Email

Please use the website email address below for questions, additions, or corrections.